Victoria: Hiring a new Jobs Minister didn’t change anything as John Horgan and the NDP keep refusing to bring forward a jobs plan for British Columbia. The latest Statistics Canada numbers show British Columbia lost 6,500 jobs in February and a total of 39,300 since May 2019.

“In less than three years, B.C. has gone from a job-creating leader under the BC Liberals to a disappointment under the NDP,” said BC Liberal Jobs Critic and MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, Jordan Sturdy. “While the number of working British Columbians keeps going down and unemployment keeps going up, the NDP needs to finally turn their mind to developing a jobs plan that will help get the province back on track.”

The jobs numbers released today by Statistics Canada also show an alarming 21.9 per cent year-over-year unemployment increase in the resource sector. Meanwhile, John Horgan and the NDP continue to refuse to help rural communities struggling to deal with the forestry crisis.

“The resource sector, especially forestry, which has been the backbone of B.C.’s economy for generations, is struggling like never before,” concluded Sturdy. “Hard-working rural B.C. families deserve a Premier and a government that is willing to fight for them, not ignore them.”

The NDP has driven the nation’s strongest economy to a halt. It’s hardly a surprise that the NDP have no plan, no ideas and no vision for British Columbia. Just their typical tax hikes that average, hard-working B.C. families can’t afford.

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