(PG) *****
Rude Awakening!

Being different is never easy. Settle in to see how an outsider comes to terms with some deep inner feelings and more in Blue Jean. Hard subjects can be controversial. Thanks to some talented filmmakers at Magnolia Films Mongrel Media breathes life into a remarkable story. Check out this movie at the International Village Cinemas in downtown Vancouver,
Set in London during the Margaret Thatcher years in the 1980s. Remember The Prime Minister known as the Iron Lady was a staunch conservative. Here we meet teacher Jean who Is happy going about her daily routine. Actress Rosy McEwen turns in an astounding Oscar-worthy performance as a woman whose life is turned upside down through a series of misunderstandings and worse. The slim blonde does her best to teach her PE class but keeps her home life private. At least that’s her desire and it seems to be working – so far. Those after hours activities should be no one’s business. Like former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau once famously said the state has no business in its citizens bedrooms. That sagely advice comes into play big time as Maggie Thatchers government tries to introduce Clause 28 into legislation. Supported by many the bill would cast a bright light on homosexual teachings in schools. Understandably such legislation worries gay people and Jean winds up caught in a web of lies and deceit.
Director/writer Georgia Oakley succeeds in delivering a heartfelt look into the difficulties gay people face every day. Just how Jean confronts not only her own sexuality but those of others is flawlessly revealed in this telling tale of misunderstanding, cover-ups, deceit and fear. Perfect for any year Blue Jean is a touching drama full of surprises. It’s message should not be lost on anyone,