Every year, thousands of people in B.C. leave money on the table by not claiming the benefits for which they are eligible.
It’s estimated that more than one in 10 eligible people in Canada do not file their taxes and nearly one-quarter are young people, 18-24. By filing, most people can get money back or their taxes reduced.
An estimated one in five renters don’t file their taxes, though many could receive support through B.C.’s renter’s tax credit. This provides as much as $400 for renters with adjusted incomes up to $63,000, or a partial credit for adjusted incomes up to $83,000. To claim the renter’s credit, people should fill out Form BC479 British Columbia Credits when doing income tax returns.
Depending on family income, people are automatically enrolled for many benefits and credits when they file their taxes. These include the B.C. family benefit and the climate-action tax credit.
The B.C. family benefit is deposited in eligible families’ bank accounts around the 20th of each month. The average family receives an annual total of $2,000 from the B.C. family benefit and the one-year BC Family Benefit Bonus, which lasts until June 2025. Approximately 275,000 families with children receive support through the benefit.
The climate-action tax credit for individuals and families can provide a family of four as much as $1,008 for the 2024-25 tax year. More than two million families and individuals will receive more than the 2023-24 tax year.
Help is available to find benefits and credits, and to help people prepare their taxes.
B.C.’s Benefits Connector includes information about supports, including tax credits and benefits. It also includes help for renters and homeowners, supports for business owners, and ways to save on health care, transportation and education.
For people with simple tax situations, volunteers at a free tax clinic can help with tax returns. The federal government hosts an online directory with information about where to go for help.
One in five people living on very low income don’t file their taxes, missing out on getting benefits and credits that can help. Consider visiting a free tax clinic and using the B.C. Benefits Connector to get some support in 2025.
Quick Facts:
- Canadians missed out on almost $2 billion in unclaimed benefits in 2015, according to a 2020 report published in Canadian Public Policy.
- Men are more likely than women to not file.
- It is estimated that almost one-fifth of people who have lived in Canada for less than 10 years don’t file their taxes.
- Service BC guides people through provincial programs and services.
- Call 1 800 663-7867 for help available in more than 220 languages.