Aries (Mar 21 – Apl 9)
It’s due to the influence of planets in mysterious realms of your chart, that the next few weeks should coincide with a period of personal confidence and certainty. Nothing is as it seems, and potential conflicts have been balanced by a realization that you need other people more than you care to admit.

Tauras (Apl 20 – May 20)
A decisive aspect involving Venus will add a creative and pleasurable shape to your romantic and emotional aspirations — and may continue to do so for a month. The main priority is your personal independence, although it doesn’t seem that your desire not to be tied down will lead directly to a break with a close friend.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
This is a highly positive period, thanks to the support from Mercury, your planetary ruler. This planet encourages you to express your spontaneous, almost child-like nature, enabling you to duck a number of responsibilities. However, you will still find it impossible to avoid all those core liabilities.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Life is going your way, but there are bound to be some ups and downs. Someone is obviously not going to give in or give up as easily as you imagined. Take a mature approach and recognise that other people have much to teach you. Pay attention to strange coincidences which always seem to crop up at times like these.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
The most important planetary activity links romantic Venus with serious Saturn and optimistic Jupiter in a line-up of overwhelmingly powerful potential. Some sort of confrontation at home seems to be almost inevitable, if only as a result of the rate at which your ideas are diverging from those you live with.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Mercury is your ruling planet, and, therefore, one of the most important celestial factors in your life at present. Now that this remarkable heavenly body is connecting with Venus and Mars, you must expect your affairs to become rather more intense and shaped by blind faith rather than by cool reason.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Mars has been exerting an energetic role in your affairs. However, this is not a planet which has a natural affinity with your sign, and you should find that some of the social and professional situations you get into may be rather stressful. You will look to loved ones for support, but may not actually receive it unless you ask.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Thanks to Mercury’s prosperous movements, you simply have to speak out and take the initiative in financial matters. You’re in an ideal position to turn the tables on people who have got the better of you in the past. A loved one is about to admit they made a mistake, so you can afford to be a little pleased with yourself.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
There’s a great deal going on behind the scenes but this shouldn’t prevent you from making the most of your social life, which has been flourishing lately. As time passes you will become more interested in intimate relationships, which provide deeper satisfaction, than in mixing with a wide circle of friends.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Emotional generosity boosts your morale, but you are reeling under Saturn’s impact in a region of your solar chart, placing obstacles in the way of your career hopes and professional ambitions. You have been under great pressure to formulate long-term plans which, when put into action, will carry you through the next few years.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Emotional generosity boosts your morale, but you are reeling under Saturn’s impact in a region of your solar chart, placing obstacles in the way of your career hopes and professional ambitions. You have been under great pressure to formulate long-term plans which, when put into action, will carry you through the next few years.

Piscs (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
The image of Pisces is of two fish swimming in opposite directions, symbolising the personal dilemmas in which you now find yourself. Yet, in ancient times, there was only one fish, an indication that the closer you get to your roots this week, the more sure you will become that you have but one genuine cause to fight.