Victoria: Premier John Horgan says young people are not immune to COVID-19 and he’s appealing to their better judgment to help stop the rise in cases in the province.
Horgan said on Thursday that despite an uptick in cases among young people, the province does not plan to pursue punitive measures against crowds who gathered for a drum circle on a Vancouver beach or others who break public health protocols.
Instead, the government plans to continue its strategy of asking British Columbians to act responsibly.
“If you’re going to have a party, if you’re going to have some fun, keep it to the people you know,’’ Horgan said.
If someone from outside your circle is participating, keep your distance because you don’t know how many people that person has been in contact with.
“Young people are not immune, young people are not invincible. All of us are in this together.’’
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has called a recent hike in cases a wake-up call to remain vigilant against the virus. Around 1,000 people are self-isolating because of an outbreak in Kelowna that health officials believe began with private parties at hotels around Canada Day. Horgan said he was disappointed to view footage of gatherings in Kelowna and Vancouver.
“Come on, you’re better than that,’’ he said.
He said he expects young people will share their stories of infection on social media and he encouraged anyone who sees their peers acting outside of the guidelines to speak up.
The province announced 34 new cases for a total of 3,362 confirmed infections Wednesday and another update was expected on Thursday afternoon.

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