Vancouver: RCMP said impaired driving remains a leading cause of car crash fatalities in B.C. On average, 96 people die every year in crashes involving impaired driving. That is why the RCMP is committed to enforcing our impaired driving laws.

On Friday June 27th, 2014 British Columbia police agencies had a one day blitz to focus on impaired drivers. Various strategies were launched throughout the B.C. North District and the results are in. Police spent over 160 man hours, more than 1100 vehicles were checked and 27 Approved Screening Device Tests were conducted. The results:

  •   6 (six) 3 day licence suspensions issued
  •  11 (eleven) 90 day immediate roadside licence suspensions issued
  •   2 Criminal Code Impaired investigations completed

As we know, operating a motor vehicle while one’s ability to do so is impaired by drugs or alcohol is never an intelligent decision. Yet it’s done every day by individuals from all walks of life. When someone drives impaired, they cause issues that affect a society in many untold ways. These range from extensive financial tolls of the collision itself, to the extended families of those who have lost loved ones. That is why we do not call them accidents, they are preventable collisions!

Whatever the reason for this trend – the results seen still demand that a concerted effort by everyone is need to ensure safer roads for all users.

Plan ahead for a safe ride home – arrange a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit. Take your turn as the designated driver to help your friends and family get home safely.