Surrey: Moderna says it’s working on a submission to Health Canada for the approval a COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of six.
The biotech company on Thursday asked U.S. regulators to authorize low doses of its vaccine for children between six months and five years of age. The long-awaited move is another stride towards potentially opening shots for millions of tots by summer.In Canada, Moderna says it hopes to complete the application for regulatory approval of its COVID-19 vaccine, Spikevax, “shortly.’’
To date, Health Canada has only approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children over the age of five.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, Comirnaty, is available for children aged 5 to 11, and Moderna Spikevax is available for children six to 11 years old. About 41 per cent of Canadian children in this cohort have had two shots according to federal data.
Frustrated families are waiting impatiently for a chance to protect the littlest kids as all around them people shed masks and other public health precautions — even though highly contagious coronavirus mutants continue to spread.