Bob Milliken

Access over 1 billon people in 10 minutes! Double your website traffic overnight! Sound too good to be true?

Actually, Google Ads is too good to be true. It has become the ultimate way to advertise business online. This is a many-times-over proven marketing method using keywords that gets targeted buyers to your door.

And today I want to share five key ways Google Ads can help your business and why they should become a part of your core marketing strategy.

Increases Advertising Audience

Looking to break into a new market? Or maybe you’re just hoping to increase your current pool of customers? Either way, Google Ads can help you engage a broader audience then ever before. With Google being the search engine giant that it is, there is no denying that the site has extensive online traffic. Google Ads allows you to capitalise on this traffic and use it to reach new potential customers.

Provides High Return On Marketing Investment

With cost per click payment options, businesses are paying only for traffic that has been directed to their website. The more traffic on a website, the more leads, conversions and sales. This makes Google Ads a valuable marketing approach, especially when compared to traditional marketing campaigns that required upfront payment with no guarantee of success.

Targets Audiences In Specific Locations

If you have a business that is location specific, Google Ads allows you to target people in your desired areas. Don’t waste time with online marketing campaigns that are reaching people half-way around the world and wasting your hard-earned cash. Instead be smart and invest in google ads campaigns where you can select a target audience ensuring you are engaging the intended people.

Increases Leads More Quickly Than SEO

While SEO is a highly effective online marketing technique, it takes time for it to become truly profitable. Google Ads work much quicker, targeting people who are already searching for (and therefore probably in the market) your particular product or service. This targeted approach converts the lead to a sale much faster.

Helps A Company Learn More About The Market

A business can learn a lot about customer habits and preferences through Google Ads. Data such as location, times most commonly online and devices used are all tracked, making business more informed and therefore better able to make decisions about marketing campaigns.

Take Away

Whether you are a small local business with a few employees or a major corporation, using Google AdWords will boost your leads, conversions and sales. We are Google experts who know how to tap into Googles huge traffic stream and convert the hordes of trafficker into your buyers and profits.

Bob Milliken is a master marketer specializing in helping businesses achieve outrageous levels of success. Bob can be reached by phone at 604.270.1730 or by email at